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[AVR]IAR에서 sprintf 소수점 사용하기

by 학수씨 2009. 9. 13.

xcl 파일을 수정해야한다..

atmega128 기준..

/*                      - lnkm128.xcl -
 *   XLINK command file for the ICCAVR C-compiler using the --cpu=m128, -ms
 *   options. Segments are defined for an ATmega128 whithout external
 *   memory. It is also possible to "add" external SRAM, EPROM and EEPROM.
 *   Usage: xlink your_file(s) -f lnkm128
 *   File version: $Revision: 1.9 $

 * Constants used down below,
 * Do not change these lines,
 * if it is not stated otherwise

/* Code (flash) segments */
-D_..X_INTVEC_SIZE=8C   /* 4 bytes * 35 vectors */
-D_..X_FLASH_TEND=FF    /* End of tiny flash memory */
-D_..X_FLASH_NEND=FFFF  /* End of near flash memory */
-D_..X_FLASH_END=1FFFF  /* End of flash memory */
/* Internal data memory */

 * Change the two lines below to 60(BASE) and FF(TEND)
 * if you are running in "mega103 mode"
-D_..X_SRAM_BASE=100    /* Start of ram memory */
-D_..X_SRAM_TEND=100    /* End of tiny ram memory */

-D_..X_SRAM_END=10FF    /* End of ram memory */
/* Internal EEPROM */
-D_..X_EEPROM_END=FFF   /* End of eeprom memory */

 * Modify the lines below to alter the size of the RSTACK, CSTACK and HEAP
 * segments. These need to be fine tuned to suit your specific application.
 * The '_..X_' prefix is used by C-SPY as an indication that the label should
 * not be displayed in the dissassembly window.
-D_..X_CSTACK_SIZE=200  /* 512 bytes for auto variables and saved registers. */
-D_..X_RSTACK_SIZE=40   /* 64 bytes for return addresses, equivalent to 32 */
                        /* levels of calls, including interrupts. */
-D_..X_HEAP_SIZE=100    /* 256 bytes of heap. */
-D_..X_NEAR_HEAP_SIZE=100    /* 256 bytes of heap. */

 * Modify these lines if you have an external SRAM connected to the system.
 * Note: Remember to turn on the external data and address busses in
 *       __low_level_init if external memory is used.

 * Modify these lines if you have an external EPROM connected to the system.
 * Note: Remember to turn on the external data and address busses in
 *       __low_level_init if external memory is used.

 * Modify these lines if you have an external EEPROM connected to the system.
 * Note: Remember to turn on the external data and address busses in
 *       __low_level_init if external memory is used.

 * The following segments are located in the internal memory of
 * the ATmega128. Do not change these lines.

/* Define CPU */

/* Code memory */

/* Fill unused interrupt vector's with RETI */


/* Internal data memory */

 * If external SRAM is available it is possible to place the stacks there.
 * However, the external memory is slower than the internal so moving the
 * stacks to the external memory will degrade the system performance.

 * If external SRAM is available it might be a good idea to move the
 * heap segment there, i.e. remove the _..X_SRAM_BASE-_..X_SRAM_END range.

/* Internal eeprom memory */

 * The following segment definitions are only used if external memory is
 * connected to the AVR controller.

/* External EPROM */

/* External EEPROM */

/* Select reduced "printf" support to reduce library size.
   See configuration section in manual concerning printf/sprintf. */



/*Dlib and Clib*/

/* Disable floating-point support in "scanf" to reduce library size.
   See configuration section in manual concerning scanf/sscanf */



/*Dlib and Clib*/

/* Suppress one warning which is not relevant for this processor */

/* Code will now reside in file aout.a90 or aout.d90, unless -o is specified */
/* .d90 is the default if debug system is linked (option -r) */
/* .a90 is the default without debugging. Default format is -Fmotorola */
